
Welcome to AllPlay
Thanks for your interest in volunteering for the AllPlay Miracle Baseball 
League. The mission of AllPlay Volunteers is to make the Miracle Baseball 
League the greatest experience for each player every game day in our league, 
and make AllPlay Complex the greatest place for each child to visit.  
Games are played on Saturday mornings beginning at 8:30am and played in two 
seasons (Summer - May & June) and Fall (August & September). AllPlay 
needs  Game Day Volunteers to make this mission achievable. 
We hope to see YOU !!!

Game Day Volunteers
Greeters for Game Day 
Greeters will welcome everyone to game at AllPlay and provide any information needed by 
players, buddies, volunteers, or guests. Additional they will provide name tags to
everyone. They will also direct first time buddies, volunteers, and others to the proper
place for training or instructions on duties for the day.  Volunteers can choose one of the 
following time slots:  7:45am - 9:45am, 9:45am - 11:45am, 11:45am - 1:45pm, and 1:45pm
- 3:45pm.  Preferred age: 14+.
Miracle League Game Announcer 
A Miracle League game announcer is the master of ceremonies for each Miracle League Baseball game. We need announcers to be experienced, fun and animated -- simply put, the kookier the better.  The announcer's goal is to make the game fun and enjoyable for the player's, buddies, and fans. This is BIG TIME for the kids!  Each volunteer spot is to announce TWO consecutive Miracle League Baseball games.
Volunteers can choose one of the one following time slots: 8:15am - 10:30am, 10:15am - 12:30pm, 12:15pm to 2:30pm, and 2:15pm - 4:30pm.  Preferred age:  12+.

Concessions Stand Volunteer
Volunteers will help provide food and drink during Miracle League Baseball games. Food 
preparation, food service, keeping concessions area clean, and a big smile needed for this 
volunteer activity.  Volunteers can choose two hour time slots between 7:45am and 5pm.
Preferred age:  14+. 

Homer - AllPlay's Mascots

Homer & Jackie are AllPlay's official mascots.  Volunteers will wear the Homer
 costume and interact with the players during and in between games.  Volunteers 
will wear the costume for two 30 minute sessions with a 45 min break in 
between.  Preferred age:  12+.

Field set-up, maintenance, and take down.
Prepare AllPlay Complex and playing fields for Miracle League baseball game day. Set fields up, clean and maintenance grounds, and take down/put away equipment at conclusion of activities.  Volunteers can choose one of the following time slots: 7:00am - 9:00am, 9:00am - 11am, 11am to 1pm, 1pm-3pm and 3pm-5pm.  Preferred age 14+.

Activities include:
- Getting out balls, bats, and helmets
- Hang sponsor banners
- Fill water coolers
- Open restrooms (and clean if needed)
- Set-Up announcers tables 
- Wipe off bleachers and pick up misc. trash (as needed)
- Set up equipment for special events (as needed )
- Assist where ever needed
- Help make AllPlay Complex and game day special for players, buddies, and

Umpire for Miracle League Games
A Miracle League umpire will stand behind home plate and keep the game moving. 
No umpire experience is necessary as there are no ball and strike calls, just 
traditional calls like "batter up" and "safe" will be calls the kids love to hear as 
they take their turn batting and crossing home plate. We just 
need you to be fun and smile a lot. We will have a blue official umpire shirt 
for your use. Each volunteer spot is to umpire TWO consecutive Miracle League 
Baseball games.  Volunteers can choose one of the one following time slots:
 8:15am - 10:30am, 10:15am - 12:30pm,  12:15pm to 2:30pm, and 2:15 to 4:30pm.

Picnic Helpers
Two or three times per season ALLPLAY holds picnics for players, family, buddies, 
volunteers, and guests.  (Usually held on opening day, mid-season, and final day)  
Volunteers are needed to help grill food, serve food, keep the area clean, and help 
with any other activities needed.

ALLPLAY Miracle League Volunteers
2011 ALLPLAY Miracle League
Slide show by Sam McCubbin